Wed., Feb. 25Th...There's NOTHING like fresh, defective
IGA tortillas. I ran to the store for something else. Had to walk by the
tortillaria and there they were! The kids were so happy.

Tues., Feb. 24Th...Baby, it's warm outside. This could be Wed. too. It is warmer than usual. I think we broke a record.

Mon., Feb. 23rd...As I walked passed
DS's room I noticed these cleaning bottles nicely lined up. I asked him why they were in there. "I was cleaning." I thought to
myself, "Cleaning? What?" He has been getting better.

There's no Sunday. I usually don't take any on Sundays.
Sat. Feb. 21st...I have two for you! We had a concert at the coffee shop. Here I am with two of my friends from church.

Here's my hubby and Ben. You can't see the other Ben (on the drums).

Fri., Feb. 20Th...First sign of spring! Our peonies are starting to come up!

Thur., Feb. 19Th...We don't get much rain at all, so I watered. It has been warm for a few days and I needed to wash the dust away.
We have sold 4 bags of pecans since I posted the pecan photo!